Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Time got away from me!! Quick Updates...

And I have so much to catch up on, quick update and pictures to come soon!!
Raven is doing good, on the school track team and playing soccer. She's kept her grades up all year and gotten all A's except for one B+ in Honor's Algebra, so we're proud of her hard work.
Rannon is a little soccer dynamo--and is enjoying playing soccer now too, and Raley is also on a soccer team so between getting the three of them to various practices and games, we are spreading it thin. Rodel is the assistant coach for Raley's team, so it's official--he's coached all three children at soccer at one time or another.
Raven and Raley are also getting ready for a dance recital in May and Rodel has been roped into doing a special daughter father dance performance with both girls (that is, if I can get him to the rehersals--LOL). We've been super busy trying to decide on whether to stay in Kansas or move to Alabama and it's not an easy decision as the kids have really settled in wonderfully here and we all feel part of this unique community. On the downside, there are no beaches nearby, it'd be good to be back in Alabama since my mom is not in good health and I could be a help if I were there. The Kansas schools are ranked 12 in the nation, while Alabama rotates between 48, 49 and 50 depending on the year...hmm...
Raven tried out for the highschool dance team here, the Lionettes, only two girls were chosen and Raven WAS one of them--YAY!! Another reason to stay, however the high property taxes (3x more here than Alabama scares the beejeevies out of us). We are talking with a builder about building a home in Dothan and I guess that will be the deciding factor, the quote and allowances are due in on Friday from the builder (from what he's said so far--it's promising, but of course we have to have things written down and weighed out to know for sure) and that will most likely determine if we move back at this time or not. We are excited about building and if we do then the decision becomes whether to move this summer or to wait until the house is ready and move back. Plus to being here is that there is a chance Rodel can come home some weekends prior to deploying to Iraq. So this post is full of question and indecision and we're just praying for the answers and to have God's peace, blessing and favor and know the path he would have us to take.

Promise some updated pics are coming--(took a boatload of soccer game pics this past Saturday only to realize half way through--the cf card was not in the camera--a BLONDE moment for sure!) Will get some this coming weekend but in the meantime, here are my BROWN Eyed Babies...

And here's where those brown eyes came from (my husband Rodel!)


Regena said...

Rhonda, you have been TAGGED, for information check out my blog in your SPARE time!

Unknown said...

Hey Rhonda, you look so pretty here - like the top! And Rhodel - liang wan fun!!