Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Best Gift Ever...

Whether Santa comes or not, we've received the best gift ever...our dear friends Belle and George with their two lovely children came to visit all the way from Singapore.

We were soooo thrilled to have them--it was an absolute joy to see them as it'd been 6 months since we left Singapore and felt lost without the friends we'd left behind...we are now eagerly planning a return visit, since it is now our turn, and look forward to seeing all of our wonderful friends--Belle, George, Mardiana, Andrew, CKim, SoonHin, Julie, Jackie, Jason--you know who you are--we're missing you lots!! Belle and George--it was such a blessing to have you visit--we wish you could have just stayed! Love you guys!

The kids had a blast and Raley and Suzanne are quite the lil diva's. :)

Rannon and Simon are two peas in a pod, absolutely mellow fellows...

George is the KING of shopping!! I wish I'd gotten a pic of him in action but he's pretty hard to keep up with when it comes to the mall--he's a man with a plan when it comes to shopping and he can definitely outshop most women (me included) was a blast to have a reason to go shopping every day and George pointed me in the direction of some awesome sales, so not only does he have the get up and go spirit--he's equipped with bargain spotting skillz!
And Belle is quite the sport--she got lots of exercise by following George around the mall--LOL--you go girly!!

Some highlights from the week included going to see the Nutcracker, shopping and more shopping, visiting a ski lodge and tubing tornado alley as it was called, making a new friend at the Japanese steak house, did I mention shopping?? LOL!

We had a GREAT time sledding at a friend's house after church Sunday--totally unplanned but turned out to be a great day.

Yesterday was sooo sad as I had to see our friend's off to the airport--though I was THRILLED to have them visit, the leaving was depressing but it is exciting to plan our visit over now. I look forward to seeing you guys soon. We Love Ya!! God Bless!

And PS. getting home from the airport with that GPS was a breeze--that was tooo tooo kind of you guys--your gift of visiting was by far the best present ever!! Thank you sooo much. (((HUGS)))


Annette said...

Glad you had such a nice visit Rhonda. What special friends they must be to come all the way from Singapore!!!

Timi said...

It looks like you all had a great time together :) The photos are awesome!